European Electric Scooters and Motorcycles Sector Advancing Swiftly
The European electric scooters and motorcycles domain is advancing due to the growing popularity of sharing services. These allow people, who don’t own a personal vehicle, to reach their destination without suffering the hassles of public transport. Further, these also save the costs incurred due to personal vehicles, such as purchasing and maintenance costs, insurance premiums, fuel expenses, and parking fees. By the start of 2019, around 50 sharing service providers were operating in over 50 European cities.
The reason these service providers are employing electric scooters and motorcycles instead of gasoline-based variants is environmental concerns, which have impelled governments to impose strict anti-emission regulations. Apart from imposing regulations, governments in several European nations are also providing incentives, subsidies, and tax rebates to encourage the adoption of e-vehicles. Thus, the combined effect of the popularity of sharing services and government regulations and initiatives is boding well for the European electric scooters and motorcycles sector.
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